You may love winter and sports such as skiing or snowboarding, or you may hate everything about cold weather. Love it or hate it, winter presents potential danger for your feet in the form of frostbite. You're at a higher risk of frostbite when you have diabetes or another condition that impairs your circulation. Your feet may be at greater risk when you live in a warm climate and visit a cold climate on vacation if you don't understand how to protect your feet properly.
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If your teen is always sleepy, even after taking multiple daily naps, they may have narcolepsy type 1 or narcolepsy type 2. Narcolepsy in general is a disorder that causes excessive sleepiness, muscle problems, and other symptoms. The condition can cause various symptoms, depending on the type you have. Learn more about narcolepsy and how to help your teen treat it below.
What Exactly Is Narcolepsy?
Narcolepsy generally affects young people between the ages of 7 and 25.
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When you have a family member who has a drug problem it is important that you know how to assist them in getting treatment. That can be a scary process and one that can also be confusing. Because of the complexity involved in finding help for your family member, this article will spell out some of the most important things you will want to do in clear steps. The information here is designed to make dealing with a serious problem a bit easier.
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If you or a loved one have been injured in a car accident or fire, or were born with certain birth defects, the bone structure or skin on your face may be disfigured in a manner that hinders your life. There are also some diseases that will have a negative effect on your appearance and functioning of your face. You may not be able to eat or speak correctly, or you may be overly self-conscious of the way you look, making it difficult to be out in public in any way.
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When you have common medical complaints, your primary care physician can usually provide you with the treatment you need. However, there are times when neurological problems require specialized care. For those times, you need to consult with a neurosurgeon. Unfortunately, it's not always easy to know when you should request a consultation with a neurosurgeon, which means you might not get the help you need. Take a look at the list provided below; if you're dealing with any of the medical issues described here, you need to speak to a neurosurgeon.
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