How To Choose A Child Cancer Donation Charity

Unfortunately, childhood cancer is a reality all over the world. Whether you have been affected by it personally or are just a kind soul wanting to help in some way, you may find it confusing to find a charity group to donate to. The truth is that there are many charities for this devastating disease. Here are a few tips to help you decide where to send your donations.

Due Diligence

It is not enough to simply donate to an organization your friends or family have used. Do your own research. Check the company's website, and then check with organizations that recommend different charities to find out more about each one you are considering. Find out as much as you can about each charity, paying attention to what they use the funds for.


You should look for a company that willingly details where the funds go. You want a charity that uses more of the funds to actually help instead of paying the officers. Ideally, the money will be going directly to research, to help with medicine, treatments, and hospital costs for the patients, or to help families with housing and living expenses when they must relocate for the patient's medical treatment.


Do not forget that a good portion of cancer treatment involves research into new treatments and medications. You may want to donate to a charity that works with one type of cancer specifically or one that helps with multiple cancers. 

Direct Donations

It is also possible to have your money sent directly to a patient in need. The charity will present you with options of patients who desperately require funds to continue their treatment. With the help of the charity organizers, you will choose who gets your money. The organizers will explain the different medical terminology in order to make the decision.

Overseas Donations

While it can be very tempting to overlook children suffering in foreign countries, keep in mind that not all of them have the treatments, medicines, and medical personnel that are available in the US. Children are children; they are the hope of the future. Consider helping those who are truly in need the most.

Childhood cancer should be something everyone is concerned about. If you are lucky enough to have some extra finances and want a way to help children with cancer throughout the world, look for a child cancer donation charity.
