Questions To Ask During Your Newborn’s First Well Visit

Welcoming a new baby into the world is an amazing and joyous experience. However, it can also be stressful for new parents that do not have any experience taking care of an infant. If you're having your first child in the near future, your baby's pediatrician will be a very valuable resource. After a baby arrives, he or she will have to see the pediatrician multiple times during the first year of life for well visits. Read More 

4 Things to Know About Herniated Discs

Back pain is a common health issue for many Americans. In fact, 80 percent of all adults will experience back pain during their lifetime. Some cases of back pain are caused by spinal problems, such as a herniated disc. To help you better understand this condition, here are four things to know about herniated discs. 1. Know the Risk Factors for Herniated Discs The spine contains rubber-like cushions called discs that are located between the vertebrae. Read More 

The Top Atopic Dermatitis Resources

Where can you find atopic dermatitis resources? According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA), 7.3 percent of American adults have atopic dermatitis. If you're one of the many with this diagnosis, take a look at where you can find reliable atopic dermatitis information. Your Dermatologist Atopic dermatitis disease isn't a condition you can diagnose without the help of a professional. Even though there's plenty of information online about eczema and other skin irritations, only a qualified medical provider (such as a dermatologist, physician's assistant, or nurse practitioner) should examine your skin and provide a diagnosis. Read More 

A Look At Some Of The Most Common Medical Issues People Treat With Cannabis

Even though it was once a taboo subject, cannabis has quickly risen to the top as one of the most noteworthy homeopathic remedies for a lot of ailments. Take a look at some of the most common medical issues people use medical cannabis to treat. 1. Chronic Pain  Perhaps one of the most common reasons people seek out medical cannabis is for some form of chronic pain. Chronic pain is defined as pain that lasts for the long-term. Read More 

Advantages Of Hiring A Home Care Service For Your Loved One With Paralysis

Do you have a loved one with paralysis? Caring for your loved one is a very kind and selfless act, and they are undoubtedly grateful for all that you do. However, you do not have to take on this burden or continue to shoulder this burden alone. There are home care services available for patients with paralysis, and indeed, there are a lot of benefits of hiring one of these services, even if only on a part-time basis. Read More