Worried About Your Health Changes? How To Tell When You Need A Neurosurgeon

When you have common medical complaints, your primary care physician can usually provide you with the treatment you need. However, there are times when neurological problems require specialized care. For those times, you need to consult with a neurosurgeon. Unfortunately, it's not always easy to know when you should request a consultation with a neurosurgeon, which means you might not get the help you need. Take a look at the list provided below; if you're dealing with any of the medical issues described here, you need to speak to a neurosurgeon. 

Unexplained Headaches

Headaches are often a common occurrence, especially those that relate to stress or sinus conditions. Unfortunately, even migraines can become a part of life. For those types of headaches, your primary care physician can usually find a treatment plan that will alleviate the discomfort. However, there are times when headaches aren't part of a normal occurrence. If your headache pain is not alleviated through your normal medications, or you find that the frequency and severity of your headaches has increased, you should receive an exam from a neurosurgeon as soon as possible. 

Increased Back Pain

When you throw your back out during strenuous exercise, the symptoms can usually be resolved through the use of a treatment plan prescribed by your primary care physician. Some of the treatments may include rest, physical therapy, and pain medication. However, back pain that is accompanied by weakness, numbness, or tingling could be a sign of a more serious medical condition. If you're experiencing increased back pain, or pain that's accompanied by weakness, numbness, or tingling, schedule a consultation with a neurosurgeon right away. 

Sudden Vision Changes

As you age, your vision can deteriorate. However, in most cases, vision changes will occur slowly and won't affect both eyes to the same degree. If you noticed a sudden change in your vision, and the changes have affected both eyes, it might be time to visit your neurosurgeon. Schedule a vision exam with your optometrist. If your optometrist is unable to diagnose your vision problem, contact a neurosurgeon as soon as possible. 

Mobility Problems

Finally, if you've noticed changes in your mobility, make note of those changes. Some mobility changes can be traced back to neurological problems. This is particularly true if your mobility has been affected by sudden tremors or unintentional jerking movements in your legs, hands or arms. You should also visit a neurologist if you suddenly feel clumsier than you once did. 
