One of the most difficult things in the world is to have a loved one who is dealing with opioid addiction. Treatment can be a helpful resource, but treatment can also be very difficult for everyone. In fact, it's possible that you don't even know much about opioid addiction in the first place. Here's what you need to know.
First, What Are Opioids?
Perhaps you aren't even sure what opioid addiction is.
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One of the scariest things in the world may be learning that you have an STD--especially if you have had no symptoms. It's also scary to learn that you have been exposed, especially if it's weeks or months after a sexual encounter.
It happens to all too many people. The good news is that you can make a plan with a doctor to address your symptoms and receive the treatment you need.
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Trigger finger usually begins as a minor annoyance. You can't quite straighten your thumb or finger, but there's no serious pain — maybe only mild discomfort now and then. As your condition worsens, though, it will start to affect you more. Not being able to straighten your thumb or finger may make it hard to type, drive, and do other basic tasks. And it is not uncommon for the finger to start throbbing with pain, which can keep you up at night and distract you during the day.
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If you experience tachycardia, otherwise known as a rapid heart rate, then your primary care doctor may refer you to a cardiologist. A cardiologist is a physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. After your cardiologist examines you, they may recommend further testing at a cardiac care center. Here are some diagnostic tests you may receive at the clinical cardiac care center, which will help your doctor uncover the reason for your tachycardia.
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Making the decision to place your loved one in a dementia care facility is never easy. With a variety of care facilities to choose from, you may feel overwhelmed and wonder which facility will be a good fit for your loved one. Focusing on a few key points will help you narrow down your choices so you can place your loved one in a facility where they will receive the best care for their unique condition.
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