Did you know that there are other treatments for cancer than just chemotherapy? While some types of cancer require chemotherapy to fight, there is still more you can do. Medical doctors are becoming increasingly aware and encouraging of changing your diet in an effort to improve your cancer circumstances. There are even cancer diet specialists who can show you the ropes and help you through the challenge of changing your diet.
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Postpartum depression can strike anyone. If you recently had your baby and are feeling less than blissful, you are not alone. This is a common problem, and it can be overcome. A period of postpartum depression doesn't mean that you are a bad mother or that you will never learn to love your baby. Here are some tips to help you go through this difficult time.
Tell Your Doctor
Your obstetric doctor is your first line of defense in the fight against postpartum depression.
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Most people think of allergy medications as something they need to have prescribed by their doctor. It is true that for patients with severe allergies, prescription medications are often necessary for significant relief. However, if you have mild to moderate allergies, or if you're not able to get into the doctor for a prescription right now, there are over-the-counter meds you can use to manage your symptoms. Here's a look at some of them.
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Ear issues can feel extremely debilitating. After all, when you feel like your ears are blocked, it can impact nearly every aspect of your life. Blockages are frequently caused by ear wax. Ear wax usually helps clean out your ear, but sometimes it can cause some problems and discomfort that send you to the doctor's office. This is what you need to know about ear troubles you may face.
What Are Symptoms of an Ear Blockage?
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If you suffer from erectile dysfunction or other similar issues, you may be thinking about trying testosterone replacement therapy. After all, dealing with these issues can have a major impact on your life, and you probably want to do what you can to solve the problem as quickly as possible. Of course, you might be worried about the side effects that go along with testosterone replacement therapy. This is natural, and it is important for you to be aware of the side effects that go along with this therapy option.
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