Could You Have An STD? See A Doctor Now

One of the scariest things in the world may be learning that you have an STD--especially if you have had no symptoms. It's also scary to learn that you have been exposed, especially if it's weeks or months after a sexual encounter.

It happens to all too many people. The good news is that you can make a plan with a doctor to address your symptoms and receive the treatment you need.

Men Experience Different Symptoms Than Women

In fact, some men never experience symptoms of an STD they may be carrying (and passing onto others). This can be particular dangerous for men who have multiple sex partners and who do not use condoms.

Burning and itching of the penis or anus are common symptoms. They may be accompanied by a discharge as well as general pelvic pain. In some cases, pain is linked to sores and bumps on the genitals.

Women Are More Likely to Experience Symptoms

Women may experience burning and itching of the vagina as well as potential odor or discharge they are not familiar with. They may experience pelvic pain or tightness, and in some cases they may experience bleeding when they are not on their period.

Additionally, women may experience pain during sexual intercourse or burning when they go to the bathroom. In some cases, women do not experience any symptoms.

Men and Women Get STDs Similarly

Men and women can get STDs orally, anally, or via the genitals. This means that you can get an STD from anal or oral sex as well as vaginal intercourse. If you frequently engage in any of these sexual activities, you should be getting tested regularly to ensure that you do not have a hidden STD that could impact your fertility and health.

What Kinds of STDs Can You Get?

Men and women can get many of the same STDs, though they can manifest differently. Conditions like gonorrhea, chlamydia, HIV, and syphilis are all common in both men and women.

It is important to get a diagnosis and treatment if you suspect that you have an STD. Your health could be impacted seriously for the rest of your life without treatment.

Make an Appointment for Diagnosis & Treatment

If you suspect that you have an STD or you have been exposed to an STD, it is important that you make a doctor's office appointment right away. Speak with a doctor to get diagnosed and receive the treatment you need for a healthy, happy recovery.

To learn more, schedule a doctor office visit.
