3 Signs You Need To Make An Appointment With An Ophthalmologist

Did you know there are actually two types of professionals referred to as "eye doctors?" Optometrists are the doctors who conduct basic eye exams and prescribe glasses and contacts. Ophthalmologists are doctors with a more in-depth knowledge of eye health and the various ailments that can affect the eyes. Most people with healthy eyes can get away with just seeing an optometrist once a year for a general exam, but there are a few signs, including the following, that indicate that you really need to see an ophthalmologist. Read More 

Understanding Types Of Addiction Recovery

Are you considering addiction treatment? If so, you might have become overwhelmed by the number of options available to you. How can you determine which treatment options are right for you? Understanding each option is a great way to improve your chances of recovery in a setting that works for you. Here's what you need to know: Medical Detox Medical detox is the period of time during which somebody is in withdrawal from drugs and alcohol. Read More 

Who Can Benefit From Laser Vision Correction?

Laser vision correction is a single surgical procedure that will allow your doctor to reshape the surface of your eye, which will correct most vision problems. It's a fast procedure with very few risks. It can be performed in your doctor's office without general anesthesia, and the recovery time is quick. Here are three types of people who can benefit from laser vision correction: 1. Anyone Who Suffers from Nearsightedness or Farsightedness Read More 

What Can You Expect From A Pain Management Service?

Chronic pain isn't one diagnosis. Instead, it's a side effect that can be caused by any number of conditions. Injuries that healed poorly may cause chronic pain. Certain conditions like fibromyalgia, cystic fibrosis, and arthritis can also cause chronic pain. Your doctor will do their best to treat your condition, but the reality is that you may have to live with some degree of chronic pain. Fortunately, there is hope for people who deal with pain on a daily basis. Read More 

Still Using Ordinary Bandages? 4 Reasons To Take The Pain-Free Approach To Wound Care

If you're still using the same old bandages you've been using for years, it's time to take a pain-free approach. Traditional bandages bandages are often difficult to remove, which can cause discomfort and pain. One benefit of taking the pain-free approach is that you can eliminate the discomfort. Here are just four of the many reasons why you need to switch to pain-free bandages for your wound care needs. Protect Sensitive Skin Read More