What You Should Know About Participating In Clinical Research

If you are thinking about participating in clinical research for the first time, you may be full of doubts and questions. There are many things to consider when you are planning on being a part of clinical research, and the prospect may seem quite daunting. Before you throw in the towel on the idea of being a part of a clinical research trial, get to know some of the important facts about participating in clinical research. Then, you will better be able to decide if participation in clinical research is the right path for you right now. 

Know Clinical Research Occurs in Different Phases

One of the facts to keep in mind about clinical research is that it occurs in different phases. There are four phases of the clinical trial process. Phase I is early testing of experimental drugs or treatments. This usually involves a small participation group. The focus is primarily on the side effects of the drug as well as overall drug safety. 

In Phase II of clinical research, the drug is tested on a larger group of people. Phase III is where the drug's effectiveness for what it is treating is evaluated. And phase IV occurs after the medication has been approved for use to continue to gather information and monitor the safety and effectiveness of the drug. 

The type of questions you will be asked and monitoring you will have to undergo when participating in clinical research can depend on the phase of the research you are participating in. 

Pay Attention When the Trial and the Process Are Explained to You

Before you sign any consent forms for treatment in a clinical research trial, you should be sure that you pay attention to everything you are told about the trial and the process. You may, for example, need to stay at a research facility for the duration of the trial, which can last several weeks. 

You may have to keep weekly or even daily appointments if you are not asked to stay on-site. You need to know as much as possible about the drug you are testing as well as about the process itself before you sign the informed consent form. Do not be afraid to ask questions throughout the explanation process. The more you know and understand, the better. 

Be Sure to Find Out If It Is a Paid Trial

There are opportunities for paid clinical research trials. Not all trials pay, but many do. Be sure you find out if you have signed up for a paid trial and inquire about what it takes to get paid for the trial.

For example, if you have to drop out early because of side effects, will you still get paid? Or if you miss one appointment but make it to all the others, how does that affect your pay? Knowing these answers will help you prepare for the trial and can keep you motivated to participate in the trial as well as possible 

Now that you know some of the things to know about participating in clinical research, you can be sure to find an appropriate clinical research trial for you and apply as soon as possible. 
