Seven Things You Should Be Aware Of If You’ll Be Undergoing Mckenzie Method Treatments

If your physical therapist has recommended the McKenzie method to you for treatment, there are a few things you should learn about this treatment method before you get started.

The following are seven things you should be aware of if you'll be undergoing McKenzie method treatment. 

Though developed in New Zealand, the McKenzie method is now commonly used by physical therapists all over the world.

The spread of the McKenzie method around the world attests to its success and effectiveness. Though developed in New Zealand in the 1950s, the McKenzie method has by now spread all over the world as physical therapists have seen its many advantages. 

The McKenzie method can be used to treat a variety of musculoskeletal issues.

As a physical therapy method, the McKenzie method is used to treat many different types of musculoskeletal issues. Among the musculoskeletal problems that the McKenzie method is effective against are pain and discomfort in the neck, back, should, knees, and ankles. 

The McKenzie method has also been used to treat nerve and joint problems.

There are also numerous nerve and joint issues that the McKenzie method physical therapy can help treat. These include arthritis, muscle spasms, numbness in various parts of the body, and sciatica. 

The McKenzie method is an exercise-based method of physical therapy.

This method of physical therapy is an exercise-based method. This means that patients will need to routinely go through certain exercises to heal from their condition over time. Therefore, this method is best for patients who are physically fitness-oriented and enjoy physical activity. 

The McKenzie method requires patients to take a lot of the responsibility to administer their own treatment.

Patients need to be disciplined to achieve success with the McKenzie method. They will probably need to carry out McKenzie exercises at home for an extended period of time before the method allows them to completely overcome their condition. 

There are four steps that the McKenzie method entails: assessment, classification, treatment, and prevention.

The treatment method starts with an assessment when the physical therapist will analyze the patient's history and use the resulting information to determine the right treatment regime. During the classification step, the physical therapist will address the nature of each symptom and consider the underlying cause. 

Treatment and prevention are the final steps. During treatment, the clinician uses information acquired in the first two steps to determine which exercises will be most beneficial to the patient. 

The end of McKenzie method treatments typically involves learning preventive measures to take to avoid future injury.

Prevention is an important part of the McKenzie method. Patients should expect to continue an ongoing exercise regime into the future that will minimize the chances that they will experience a recurrence of any of their symptoms. 
