Getting Help With Erectile Dysfunction Issues
Erectile dysfunction can affect more than just your love life. It can also affect your self-confidence, your relationship, and your mood. If you feel you are suffering with erectile dysfunction, then you want to get to the bottom of the issue and seek treatment, so you can once again be able to achieve erections. Here are some of the things that you should know about getting diagnosed with, and treated for, an erectile dysfunction condition. Here is information that you will find helpful about ED treatment.
How an erectile dysfunction may be diagnosed
If you have an issue with erectile dysfunction, then you will need to start with an exam in order for you to be formally diagnosed. You will need the diagnosis in order to move on to the next thing, which will be treatment of the erectile dysfunction. Here are some of the things that will likely be done during your exam:
Answering questions – The first thing that will happen when you go in to see the doctor is that you will need to answer a lot of questions. These questions will include things like what you notice about your erectile dysfunction experience as well as a lot of other questions about things like medications you are taking and how long you have been taking them, how your stress levels have been, whether you have any medical conditions and what they are, etc.
Physical exam – The doctor will also give you a physical exam that will include them taking a close look at your penis and testicles. They will be looking for things like nerve damage.
Tests – Blood and urine tests will be done so that the doctor can look at the results to see if they can locate any physical reason for your issue.
How an erectile dysfunction may be treated
There are many ways you can get help for your erectile dysfunction issue. If the doctor feels it is related to stress, they may want to begin by first trying to help bring down your stress levels, either with counseling or with medication. The doctor will also have the ability to give you medications that have shown to be great when it comes to treating erectile dysfunction. There are different medications out that can help, so your doctor will have some options and be able to prescribe you the one that they feel will work the best for you.